




Foundations of Laser and Light Course

Course by John Hoopman

Home » Foundations of Laser and Light Course by John Hoopman

About the Course

A comprehensive foundation in laser physics and laser safety to physicians, nurses, and other healthcare providers who utilize medical laser systems in the care of their patients. Education is the single most effective way to help reduce potentially litigious situations. This course is structured to comply with the Training Programs Certification and Credentialing recommended by ANSI Z136.3, 2018 “American National Standard for the Safe Use of Lasers in Health Care” Section 5.2.2 and 5.2.3. For more information on your state’s requirements, you can find contact information here.

The Process

Complete your order through the Innovative Optics website. The John Hoopman team will provide you with your course within three business days via email.

About John E. Hoopman

John E. Hoopman, CMLSO is nationally and internationally recognized as a leader in patient advocacy. John is an active and guiding member of organizations like the ANSI Z136.3 laser safety committee, past vice chair of the ANSI Z136.3 (11 year tenure), laser consultant and American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (ASAPS) – Traveling Professor. John was distinguished with the “Excellence in Nursing and Allied Health” award as a fellow member of the American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery (ASLMS) in 2018.